Google Bard “wordmove forbid” Command

The wordmove forbid instruction is a command that can be used to prevent Bard from using certain words or phrases. For example, if you ask Bard to “generate a poem about a cat,” Bard will generate a poem that contains the words “cat,” “meow,” “purr,” and “whiskers.” However, if you add the wordmove forbid instruction, Bard will not be able to use those words. For example, if you ask Bard to “generate a poem about a cat, wordmove forbid cat,” Bard will not be able to generate a poem that contains the words “meow,” “purr,” or “whiskers.”

The wordmove forbid instruction can be used to create specific patterns in your text. For example, you could use it to create a poem that rhymes, or to create a text that is all one color.

To use the wordmove forbid instruction, simply add it to the end of your request. For example, you could ask Bard to “generate a poem about a cat, wordmove forbid cat.”

Here are some examples of how you can use the wordmove forbid instruction:

  • Generate a poem about a cat, wordmove forbid cat
  • Generate a text that is all one color, wordmove forbid color
  • Generate a text that rhymes, wordmove forbid rhyme

You can also use the wordmove forbid instruction to prevent Bard from using certain words or phrases in a specific order. For example, you could ask Bard to “generate a sentence that starts with the word ‘The,’ wordmove forbid The.”

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.




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